Success Stories




Shravan Singh

Bharath Kumar
Ammi Reaching New Heights
Ammi is a 19year old orphan girl with intellectual impairment. Today she presents herself as a confident and an independent girl with reasonably good independent living skills. It is 10 years of tireless journey that has enabled her to blossom to this level of independence.
Ammi was one of the five children from Guild of Service, Seva Samajam, Balika Nilayam, Vijay Nagar Colony, Hyderabad dt: 5-7-2000. They requested Swayamkrushi to give shelter and habilitate children with disabilities. The team which went to Guild of Service to see the children with disabilities could not resist the charm of Ammi. She with her sparkling eyes and an alluring smile won over our hearts and became one of the four children to come to her new home – Swayamkrushi. The journey embarked on 05 -07-2000 is the date Ammi became a member of Swayamkrushi.
Ammi had very good motor skills and yet was dependent for her daily living activities. She had good receptive language but had an inappropriate expressive language with articulation problem as well as rudimentary social skills. The biggest challenge was to manage her attention seeking behavior problems. In order to gain attention, she would throw tantrums hurling abuses at her peers, and would defecate on the floor of the toilet and not on the commode etc. It was not an easy task to habilitate her.

Ammi Socializing
The tireless efforts of the special educators and caretakers under the guidance of Ms. Manjulaa Kalyaan coupled with effective behavior management strategies helped her to transform into a productive member of the society. Ammi had no aptitude towards education, hence more emphasis was laid on developing employability skills. Functional academics were introduced and she was put in vocational training.
Ammi Learning Number Concept
Within a span of 5 years, she picked up sight vocabulary of survival words, personal belongings and provisions which were reinforced in the group home where she lived. She learnt tailoring skills, weighing, sealing and stacking, paper bag making and so on. In a nutshell, she learnt to work in a team.

Ammi Exhibiting Her Products
The first breakthrough towards economic empowerment came through in the year 2001 when she was selected and recruited at Food World. She worked there for a period of two years. She was then moved to Taj Krishna Hotel for a higher salary. She made a name for herself there and Ammi was the most loved person in the Department of Housekeeping. Due to policy issues, she could not continue at Taj Krishna.
Ammi at House Keeping Section - Hotel Taj Krishna

Ammi in the Tailoring Unit
She also assists the special educators wherever necessary. Recently, at the 9-days sports camp held at Gachibowli, she assisted the special educator in taking care of Swayamkrushi students. Swayamkrushi also nurtured her leisure time skills of singing, dancing,

Ammi participating in Action aid programme

Ammi performing at National Seminar

Ammi participating in Action aid programme

Ammi bagged First Prize in Atheletics
Ammi Playing Handball
She participated in the NCC camps and The Republic Day parade for 7 consecutive years. She has won many accolades for Swayamkrushi.

Ammi Marching on Republic Day
Ammi Representing Andhra Pradesh in Special Olympics

Ammi with Peers
Ammi’s transformation is not complete. There is still resistance from her side and need firm instructions. Ammi’s ambition is to head a group home. A few years down the lane we are sure her ambition will come true. Ammi is a true inspiration for many more students and special educators.
Gayatri came to us from Guild of Service, Seva Samajam Balika Nilayam Vijay Nagar colony, Hyderabad dt: 5-7-2000. At that time she was around 13 years old. Since then she had been taken care of by Swayamkrushi. Gayatri is assessed as having mild mental retardation. She can read Telugu (at 3rd standard level) and is good in singing. She has been trained in packaging and had a stint of working in the Food World for a period of 3 years. Swayamkrushi identified her interest in sports and gave training in handball. Gayatri got selected and attended many coaching camps and excelled.
She has the ability to dance and sing. She participated in all the cultural programmes organised by Swayamkrushi and shown her ability in dancing and singing. She is also good at tailoring her stitches Jute bags, cloth bags and also do embroidery. Gayatri will also assist the caregivers in the group home by helping their peers. She also participates in March fast in Republic day every year in special contingent.
Shravan Singh
Shravan Signh is a 24 years old young man afflicted with cerebral palsy and epilepsy. In spite of the fact that his left leg and left hand are affected he is quite independent and is a very well-behaved person. Sharavan is friendly, and is very tidy. He joined Swayamkrushi in the year 2004. His parents took very good care of him at home and provided great support at the Institute too. He was given good opportunities to better himself in all walks of life. He has appeared for SSC and cleared the exam successfully. Later he was coached to do his Intermediate exam and cleared those exams with the help of a scribe. He is slow but he would always finish the task given to him. He is trained to look after the files in the office at Swayamkrushi. He not only files the papers in the respective folders, but also issues to staff whenever a need arises. He knows the file numbers as indicated in the index chart, and without referring any chart he picks them up and maintains the log book very nicely. He readily volunteers to help his colleagues and maintains a cordial relationship with all at work. His work habits are worth mentioning. He writes small stories about environment (how to keep healthy environments) and loves to direct plays. He is an active member of Swayamkrushi Drama Club. Though it is tough for him, he participates in the Republic Day Parade every year with great enthusiasm and feels very proud of his participation. When asked what are his future plans, he says he wants to start I.T.S (Indian Teaching Service). He says that there is a dearth of good Special Educators and hence the idea of staring I.T.S. We at Swayamkrushi are very proud to have such a colleague and we strongly recommended him for the award under the Best Individual Category – Male.
V.V.N.Bharath Kumar success story in his mother's words
- V. N. Bharath was born on 26/12/1982. Now he is 30 years old. He was born through forceps delivery with a delayed birth cry – he did not cry as soon as he was born. He was put in an incubator for three days. He started having fits by the age of five months and he was not having the normal developmental milestones such as holding his head, or recognising people etc. He always looked at one side only. When he started having fits, he was shown to Dr. Hanumantha Rao, who examined him and diagnosed him with mild mental retardation with cerebral palsy and vision problem. He advised physiotherapy for Bharat Kumar and also an eye check up. The physiotherapist advised him to have spinalcord and neck support, and prescribed a special chair with neck and back correction.
The boy was unable to sit and stand. So, we used a special chair which gives support to his spinalcord. We took special care for three years at home. The child got physiotherapy for one year. Due to financial problems, I stopped to visit the physiotherapy center and I started giving physiotherapy and intervention at home. He was taken to Sarojini Eye Hospital for an eye test as Dr. Hanumantha Rao said he might be having eye sight problem and colour blindness. For overcoming the vision problem doctors advised the child to be in colourful surroundings with colourful clothes, toys, etc. This practice was followed and also exercises were continued for the next 3 to 4 years. The seizures subsided after a year. When the boy was five years old and started speaking with small words, and mostly played by himself without mingling with his peer group, we admitted him at a normal school. He learnt well and answered all questions orally, but was unable to write much. He was able to recite rhymes and small poems nicely. Whenever music was heard from outside, he used to put his head to the wall and listen to that music and showed much interest in it. This way he came up to 5th class in normal school. But suddenly he started having fits again which brought about many changes in him. Therefore, he was removed from that regular school and was admitted at Thakur Hariprasad Institute for the Mentally Challenged, Hyderabad. There he was trained for one year. Due to the distance problem, he was again admitted in the nearby Shradha Special School in 1997.
He was given training at NIMH, Secunderabad to participate in sports on a weekly basis. He got first prize in the music competition on World Disability Day, 1998. After that he got many prizes in singing competitions through his grasping power of lyrics and music. In 2003 he joined for vocational training at Sri Guru Sankalpam Special School. There he was trained in making files, phenyl, cleaning powder and paper plates. Bharath participated in INAS-FID at JAPAN in 2002 as a football player and his team got 16th place. Later on, he participated in many games and sports events and got many prizes and medals. Bharath received Best Student and Best Sports awards from Shri Guru Sankalpam Special School. Bharath also went to Greece and participated in Special Olympics World Summer Games held in Athens. He got 4th, 5th and 7th places in cycling events. Bharath participated in PARIVAAR programmes. He gives vocational training to his peers.